Tatabánya, Hungary
26 – 28 October, 2017
INBA/PNBA European Championships 2018
In Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness
*Natural Olympia Qualifier*
26. October : 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM Registration of all athletes at the Vértes Agorája
27. October :Competition day 8:00 AM The beginning of the competition in the Vértes Agorája
Venue: Vérte Agorája, Tatabánya, HUNGARY
Address: Szent Borbála tér 1, Tatabánya
Organizer: Endre Estók INBA Hungary president,
Contact 1:
Competent jury: 7 members
The host: Petr Juriga
Competition fee: 85€
Physically challenged and Kids Fitness competition fee: 30€
*European membership: 50€
Trainer : 10€
Tickets: 10€
Competition fee and European membership to be payed at the registration desk in cash only.
*It is requiered for every athlete to own a valid European membership. Otherwise the athlete won’t be able to compete.
Physically Challenged athlete and Kids do NOT have to own a European memberhsip
All applications to be submitted online between 10. August 2018 and 20. October 2018.
Application sent after the 20th of October will not be accepted.
Should you have any problems with completing the application, please contact administrator (
• Access to the dressing and warm-up rooms will be open only to athletes and coaches.
• Any valuables or money to be left with your friends or coaches.
• The organizer will make the maximum to prevent thefts but the attention is drawn to vigilance. The organizer will not be liable for any loss or damage of your property.
• It is kindly asked that all athletes and their coaches do not stain the walls, seats, interier and exterier with tanning paint and tanning dyes. In a case, someone stains exterier or interier, the person will be penalized with fine of 100€.
• Winners of 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will receive medals, diplomas and prizes.
• It is only allowed to use spray tan, for example ProTan. It is not allowed to use Dream Tan, Nut Cream or any other colour which is not dry and touch proof.
• By confirmation of the application, the competitor confirms that he or she is competing at his/hers own responsibility. We recommened to athletes to visit their doctor or sports doctor prior the competition.
• The competition follows the rules of INBA Global.
The doping control:
The organizer ensures the doping control in line with the anti-doping charter and guidelines. Agreeing with online affidavit of a competitor is for every athlete binding.
Registration will be held at the Vérte Agorájaon Friday 26. October from 14.00 to 20.00.
Please have your ID or passport ready along with your European membership. If you haven’t purchased your card yet, you can do so at the registration desk. We accept cash only!
Time Schedule:
Friday – 26. October 2018
12:00 – 13:30 – Conference for all european representatives
14:00 – 20:00 – Registration
18:00 – 19:00 – Judges meeting
Saturday – 27. October
8:00 – 15:00 – prejudging
15:00 – 22:00 – final
22.00 – galla dinner
Please click on the name of the category and look up the judging criteria and competition format for every category.
The promoter reserves the right to merge or to cancel categories based on the number of athletes registered.
Male categories:
Juniors Bodybuilding*
***Novice Bodybuilding***
Men up to 170cm*
Men up to 175cm*
Men up to 180cm*
Men over 180cm*
Masters 40 to 45 years*
Masters 45 to 50 years*
Masters 50 to 55 years*
Masters 55 to 60 years*
Masters 60+ years*
Mr Physique
Physique Classic*
Physically challenged*
PNBA Bodybuilding*
PNBA Mr Physique
***NOVICE*** category: only „LIFETIME” natural bodybuilders who wasnt in NATURAL bodybuilding contest on the top three! Who started “others” bodybuilding contest, regardless of position, cannot start in the novice category !
For Physique Classic & Bodybuilding categories
Quarter turns + compulsory poses:
Front Double Biceps
Front Lat Spread
Side Chest
Side Triceps
Rear Double Biceps + a calf muscle
Rear Lat Spread
Abdominals with one thigh
Evaluated: Total size and shape of muscles, symmetry of the body and mutual harmony of individual muscle groups. Referees will prefer high muscle definition but not excessive. A good quality muscle definition is not equal with excessive dehydration. The overall effect must be enjoyable, radiating energy and strength. Judges will take into consideration treatment of the skin as well.
The length of the individual posing routine can be 60 seconds at maximum. The clothing should be neutral in colour – bodybuilding posing swimwear (thongs are not allowed) and athletes must be barefoot.
Mr. Physique category
Front Double Biceps
Side Biceps
Left Side Triceps
Rear Double Biceps
Hands behind the head – Abdominals
Positions Rear and Front Lat Spreads are not required and therefore are not judged. Furthermore, any poses showing muscularity are not required and will not be judged. Judges will be looking for athletic built physique and this should be priority for all competing athletes.
Part II – THE FINAL ROUND (30% of points)
The evaluation of individual promenade and comparison of symmetry in quarter turns. Contestants will pose on the stage in one row according to the race numbers. This will be followed by T-walk to music. During the promenade, it is allowed and expected that athletes will use creativity and express their personal style. After this part, the Head Judge will give a command for contestants to start performing four quarter turns facing judge for the comparison. Judges compare the symmetry, proportionality and the figure.
Female categories:
Fitness Bikini Junior (up to 23 years old)
Fitness Bikini in 3-4 height categories
Bikini Mama’s
Sport Model in 2-3 height categories
Sport Model 35+
Ms Figure
Ms Figure 35+
Ms. Physique*
Fitness Classic*
PNBA Bikini Divas
PNBA Figure
In the final, there will be the top six competitor from each category.
The name of the finalists will be printed out at the backstage after the semi-finals.
Fitness Bikini (Bikini Divas)
Part I: An evaluation of the figures in quarter turns –in two-piece swimsuit (70% of points)
Part II: An individual promenade on the stage (30% of points)
Sport Model
Part I: Evaluation of the figures in quarter turns –in two-piece swimsuit (70% of points)
Part II: An individual promenade on the stage in ladies shorts (30% of points)
Ms. Figure
Part I: An evaluation of the figures in quarter turns –in two-piece swimsuit (70% of points)
Part II: An individual promenade on the stage (30% of points)
Ms. Physique
Quarter turns + compulsory poses: (70% of points)
Front Double Biceps
Side Chest
Side Triceps
Rear Double Biceps + a calf muscle
Abdominals with one thigh
The length of the individual posing routine can be 60 seconds at maximum.
Mixed Pairs*
Kids Fitness*
Mixed Pairs
Quarter turns + compulsory poses: (70% of points)
Front Double Biceps
Side Chest
Side Triceps
Rear Double Biceps + a calf muscle
Abdominals with one thigh
Part II – POSING ROUTINE (30% of points)
The length of the posing routine can be 60 seconds at maximum
Kid’s Fitness category:
The length of the posing routine can be 90 seconds at maximum
*Athletes participating in categories marked by one star (*) are requiered to upload their 60 seconds music for their free routine along with their application to the electronical system.
The Galla Dinner:
The dinner will be held after the competition at the venue of Hotel Árpád. All athletes with their coach and VIP guests are invited to the Galla Dinner.
Make-up, hair and tanning:
Spray tan will be provided by PROTAN Hungary.
Official hotel:(100 meters from the contest venue)
Fő tér 20.
• Special Rate: 50€ Per Night /room (2 person–Breakfast included)
*Natural Olympia Qualifier*
Natural Olympia is the Pinnacle of Natural Sports. The Largest and most prestigious Natural Bodybuilding and Fitness Competition in World.
Natural Olympia 2018
Las Vegas – November 8th – 11th 2018