MEN'S athletic
Competition Rules of Men Athletic-Class
Only those competitors are eligible for competing in the Men Athletic-Class who fullfill following calculation regarding their bodyweight:
Body-Height in cm – 103 or lighter
179cm Body-Height – 103: Maximum of 76kg contest weight.
* All athletes have to wear a single-colored posing-slip, that is free off decorations and writings.
* No Strings allowed as posing-wear.
* Posing-Slip has to be clean with no tanning-cream on it.
* Wearing of jewelery is not allowed, with the exception of engagement or marriage ring.
* Wearing of collar, wristband or headband is not allowed.
* Costumes, capes and swords are not allowed on stage.
* Muscle Definition & Vascularity (ca. 45% of Overall Judgement)
* Symmetrical muscle development (ca. 30% of Overall Judgement)
* Muscle Mass (ca. 25% of Overall Judgement)
* Stage Presentation
* Body Posture
The competitors of Men Athletic-Class show no individual posing routine. Judges demand eight poses. Presentation of any other poses that are not asked by the judges is not allowed.
Elimination Round (Judging of 12 best athletes)
All athletes enter the stage facing forward to the judges. Judges may split athletes in different groups, depending ot total number of competitors.
Judges asks for mandatory poses:
1. Front Double Biceps
2. Front Lat Spread
3. Side Chest (side of choice)
4. Side Triceps (side of choice)
5. Back Double Biceps (one leg to the rear, calves flexed)
6. Back Lat Spread (one leg to the rear, calves flexed)
7. Abdominals and thighs (Hands beside head, one leg to the front)
8. Most Muscular (either „crab“ Most Muscular or Hands on hips)
Judges define 12 best athletes. In case total number of competitors is a maximum 16 athletes, the head-judge decides which athletes reaches next round of judging. If 17 or more athletes compete in this class, all judges decide which competitors qualify for next round. Top 12 athletes will go through following rounds of prejudging: Symmetry-Round, Muscularity-Round and group or single comparisons.
All athletes who are not in Top 12 and don`t qualify for next rounds are judged even on place 13. Head-Judge will call out Top 12 athletes. Top 12 athletes stay on stage, the other competitors leave the stage.
Symmetry Round
All Top 12 athletes on stage, facing forward to the judges. Head-Judge is asking for the quarter turns:
* Feets have to be kept flat on stage.
* Heels are not allowed to place more than 20cm apart.
* Arms should not be overly spreaded out to the side.
* Switching of more than 15 degree in the side poses is not allowed.
* Viewing direction has to be equal to foot position, no looking at the judges.
Judging-Criteria Symmetry-Round (ca. 30% of Overall Judgement):
* Body proportions – harmony of muscle development between upper and lower body, back and
front as well as left and right body side.
Muscularity Round
All athletes stand the stage, facing forward to the judges.
Judges asks for mandatory poses:
1. Front Double Biceps
2. Front Lat Spread
3. Side Chest (side of choice)
4. Side Triceps (side of choice)
5. Back Double Biceps (one leg to the rear, calves flexed)
6. Back Lat Spread (one leg to the rear, calves flexed)
7. Abdominals and thighs (Hands beside head, one leg to the front)
8. Most Muscular (either „crab“ Most Muscular or Hands on hips)
Judging-Criteria Muscularity-Rounde:
* Muscle Definition and Vascularity (ca. 45% of Overall Judging
* Muscle Mass (ca 25% of Overall Judging – muscle mass is not as important in comparison to the
Men Bodybuilding Divisions)
Group and Single comparisons
To finally decide placings of competitors judges can ask for group or single comparisons of athletes, calling out for quarter turns and/or mandatory poses.
Presentation round of Finalists
Head-Judge call out Top 5 athletes. These athletes stay on stage. All other competitors leave the stage. Finalists facing front to the judges. Each athlete will call out by name and show one or two of his best poses.
Comparison Round of 5 Top Athletes.
Judges asks for quarter turns and mandatory poses. Additional group- or single comparisons of athletes may be required.
Overall Judging of athletes is done via placement points: 1st place = 1 point, 2nd place = 2 points etc.) The highest and lowest placement points of finals get deleted, remaining points are added. The athlete with the lowest score places on top. Sum of points from first judjing round (Symmetry and Muscularity) get added to the sum of points from the finals. Athlete with lowest total score win.
Top 5 athletes poses all together. Music is delivered by promoter. Athletes are free of choice which poses they show to present them best. Switching of positions on stage is desired, as well as fair and sportsman behaviour between athletes.
Individual Posing-Routine
Depending on the number of contestants and type of competition (natioanl, international), athletes are asked to perform a posing routine. Promoter of the competition has the right to decide whether they are performed or not as well as if they are judged or not. Always check with your leader of your organization or promoter of the competition.
Announcement of placings and presentation of trophies.
Announcement of placings and presentation of trophies begins with place 5 and continues upward to the athlete who is winning this class as 1st place finisher.