FITNESS MEN/ WOMEN – Evaluation criteria

This category is intended for competitors with a balanced and symmetrically developed figure, and appropriate muscle development. In Fitness Classic, the emphasis is put on aesthetics, flexibility, strength and mastering the choreography of aerobic/ dance routine. Muscularity, vascularity, being cut and muscle mass without subcutaneous fat cannot be in the fitness accepted and therefore such competitors must be assessed with lower score.


1st round – Semi-Finals (prejudging)

    • Symmetry round (40% points)

2nd round – Finals

    • Aerobic/ dance routine, the length from 1:30 to 1:45 min. (60% points)
    • Announcement of the results


Fitness Classic up to 170 cm (inclusive)
Fitness Classic over 170 cm

Description of the various rounds of the competition

1st round – Semi-Finals (prejudging)

Competitors are lined up in numerical order facing judges. Competitors perform four quarter turns to the right according to commands made by the head judge.
At least two and no more than five of competitors are compared at once. Head judge, at his discretion, rejects or corrects judges’ requirements for comparison. All comparisons are placed in the middle of the stage and in order from left to right according to judges’ decision. Each judge has the right to submit at least one request for comparisons. Every competitor undergoes at least one comparison.

Descriptions of the four quarter turns:

Quarter turn to the right (standing left side to judges):
Relaxed straight stance, head and eyes facing the same direction as the body, knees together not bent, belly sucked in, chest pushed forward, shoulders back, both arms relaxed hanging along the body, elbows bent, thumbs and fingers together, palms facing the body , arms slightly bent (in the shape of the cup). Position of the hands should cause slight rotation of the upper body to the left side with the left shoulder lower than the right one.
Quarter turn to the right (standing with the back to judges)
Relaxed straight stance, head and eyes in the same orientations as the body, heels together, knees together not bent, belly sucked in, chest pushed forward, shoulders back, both arms relaxed hanging along the body, elbows slightly bent, thumbs and fingers together, palms facing the body, arms slightly bent (in the shape of the cup).

Quarter turn to the right (standing right side to judges):
The same as the first quarter turn, but this time standing right side to judges.

Quarter turn to the right = Face front:
Relaxed straight stance, head and eyes in the same orientations as the body, knees together not bent, belly sucked in, chest pushed forward, shoulders back, both arms hanging relaxed the body, elbows slightly bent, thumbs and fingers together, palms facing the body, arms slightly bent (in the shape of the cup).

Judges can individually compare at least 3, but not more than 5 competitors at once. The head judge, at his discretion, rejects or corrects judges’ requirements for comparison. All comparisons are placed in the middle of the stage and in order from left to right according to judges’ decision. Each judge has the right to submit at least one request for comparisons. Every competitor undergoes at least one comparison.

Evaluation in the 1st round:

The first round is evaluated using the following criteria:
1, Athletic appearance of the physique, the overall impression, overall athletic muscle development, presenting a balanced and symmetrically developed figure, state of epidermis and its tone, ability to present themselves with confidence.
2, Muscle groups should have a nice and firm appearance with a small amount of body fat. The figure should be neither excessively muscular nor excessively skinny, without separation and being cut. A figure, which is considered too muscular or being extremely cut is assessed with lower score.
3. Firmness and tone of epidermis. It should be smooth and healthy looking, without cellulite. Face, hair and make – up should complement the overall impression presented by a competitor.
4, . The Presentation of competitors from the point they come to the stage to the moment they leave the stage The competitor of fitness classic category must always leave the impression of an attractive, healthy, athletic and fit contestant.
All attributes of evaluation in round 1 also apply to the finals.

Clothing – a two-piece bikini any color, no thong cut, must cover about 1/3 of the gluteus and the entire front. Bikini should represent the sense of fashion and design (style).
Hair can be styled. Jewels are allowed in case they are elegant.
Shoes – high heels (the thickness of the platform must not exceed 50 mm, heel height must not be higher than 150 mm).
Skin color – it is recommended Pro Tan or any other spray tan

2nd round – Finals
Top 6 finalists from the semi-final advance to the finals, which consist of one round (aerobic/dance routine).
In this round, competitors perform the routine to a song of their choice, where the length of song might vary from 1:30 to 1:45 min. Assessment of the figure also includes the full presentation of competitors from the point they come to the stage until the moment they leave the stage. During this round, only the performance of routines is judged, not the figure. The aerobic/ dance routine should be well created with well prepared choreography, and performed in high pace.


1. Showmanship with the overall artistic impression
2. Basic gymnastic and acrobatic elements that must be performed with perfect technique
3. Elements of flexibility. – High kick, middle/side split. The number of elements of flexibility, their degree of difficulty and overall creativity should be taken into account in decision-making of the routine.
4. Power elements (can be used even from sports aerobics). The power elements include, for example – straddle hold (to straddle with hands support), pushups on one or both hands, gymnastic elements such as front and back flips, wheels.
5. Dance elements
6. Speed or tempo of the routine – demonstrates the level of stamina, endurance and energy.
For example, if two sets contain the same type and number of correct implementation of elements of power and flexibility, the more difficult is the set, which is carried out at a faster pace.

Required elements:
During the routine there are required 2 power elements and 2 flexibility elements of your own choice (each lasting 3-5 seconds). Choose the elements, which you are able to perform without mistakes and with ease. Judges must see that you have enough power for a particular element.

Evaluation of aerobic/ dance routine:

All required elements must be included into the routine. Power elements should be performed firmly and correctly, with soft landing. The energetic performance should be maintained throughout the whole routine. Choreography and transitions should be smooth and it should not be obvious that competitor is preparing for the next element. The aerobic/ dance routine should be entertaining and interesting for the audience. Competitors should have contact with the audience and should make use of the entire stage, music, or possibly some props . Personality, charisma, stage presentation, charm and natural rhythm, they make important role for assessment of the competitor.

Awards presentation

Announcement of the results is as follows:
1. The top 6 competitors are called onstage.
2. Six finalists in order from 6th place to 1st place are awarded with prizes.
3. At championships, top three finalists receive gold, silver and bronze medal.

Clothing – competitors are dressed in any costume and tight-fitting sportswear. Hair can be styled. Jewelry can be worn with appropriate flair.
Shoes – sports shoes
Skin color – it is recommended Pro Tan or any other spray tan