How to become a member:


  • By purchasing your European membership, you can compete at any INBA competition throughout the world
  • Each European athlete is obliged to have one if competing at World Championships, European Championships, Natural Olympia, Nautral Universe etc.
  • All the athletes with European membership automatically get points in the Elite Tour rankings – they can get you to Natural Olympia in Las Vegas and we will pay your travel costs
  • Each membership recieves yearly subscription of magazine IRON MAN >

Buy your membership here, below:

  • Price: 65 EUR
  • You can pay by credit card online
  • The membership is valid for 12 months

Membership validity details:

  • When purchased between January and June 30th, the card will expire December 31st of the same year.
  • If purchased between July and December 31st, the card will expire June 30th of the following year. 

Buy membership online here:


Join us old fashioned way:

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