Personal Profile:
Name: Viliam Rigo
Place of living: Veľký Grob, Slovakia
Organization: INBA Global Europe, SANK – INBA Slovakia
Occupation: mayor
“Everything you do in your life, do it in a way that people, who believe in you, don’t have a reason to be ashamed.”
How did you get to bodybuilding?
When I was 14 years old, we had a little gym in my friend’s house, where we somehow manage to make some equipment. Later, my high school had pretty well equipped gym for those years.
Why did you choose natural bodybuilding?
It somehow came by itself, naturally. I’ve always been a fan of natural bodies. Naturalism is close to me.
What do you think of when somebody says “natural bodybuilding”?
Ideal balance of physical and psychical beauty of person. It always gives me a satisfaction that I’m not the only one who believes in natural bodybuilding and in taking care of a body in a natural way.
What do you consider to be your achievements in natural bodybuilding?
Most importantly the fact, that our small country – Slovakia, is well known around the world.
Where would you like to see this sport in future?
Maybe this sounds extremely brave, but I can imagine Natural Bodybuilding as Olympic Sport.
What advice would you give to people who would like to start with bodybuilding?
Natural bodybuilding has its own charm. Every person works with their own genetics. Patience of every athlete is put into test. Regular dieting, trainings, regeneration… Athletes have to listen to their bodies and the nature will take care of all the rest. The results will come gradually, but what is important, the results are forever.
Bodybuilder – Mr. Vacuum, Frank Zane
Sport besides bodybuilding – hiking
Food – sea food specialties
Junk food 🙂 – bratwurst